Soiba Mohammed Saeed Qadir was 35 years old at the time of the attack on Halabja, married with eight children. While having a late breakfast, she heard the plane begin massive bombing of the city with high explosives. She and her family sought shelter in a neighbor's basement, during the massive, non-stop bombing with chemical weapons. The poison gas started to affect her, burning her skin and eyes. She was unable to breathe, and started to hemorrhage from her mouth, eyes, and nose. Most of her children would die around her. She eventually lost consciousness and when she regained it, only her baby, three children, and her husband had survived. Today, her medical situation is so dire that the authorities, who have only limited capacity in offering treatment to the victims, do not provide any fundamental medical treatment for her. These authorities have decided not to waste the meager medicine and treatment that is available on someone who does not have the chance of surviving for long. Her two oldest surviving children also suffer from serious psychological problems and have since disappeared.